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Love Horoscope: What the Planets have in store for your Relationship

Love compatibility is an exceptionally important factor in marriage. It builds emotional connection, and trust between partners. Compatible partners have not much difference of opinions and hence enjoy a successful long-term relationship. Astrologers compare the personality attributes of both partners from their birth charts, and then decide how compatible they are.  Apart from analysing the houses, and placements of planets, the astrologers also analyse the horoscope for aspects, in which trine, sextile, and conjunction are considered as favourable for marital happiness and squares and oppositions indicate problematic marital relationship. Let us see according to our Love horoscopes, what are on the cards for our relationships.

Daily Horoscope: How do they Predict Love Compatibility?

Daily horoscopes provide clues about the situations you have to face, whether good or bad.  It tells you how the day is going to be in the areas of love, money, education and profession and you can take the suggestions from them. You should apply your current situation to the love horoscope prediction and see it they match. Also read up your ascendant sign predictions and then come to a conclusion. The day of Nirjala Ekadashi is especially important because it enhances your prospects of relationship, career and wealth and hence this vrat is immensely popular amongst people. Let us study the emotional personality of all horoscope signs.

All horoscope signs: What is their love personality?

Among all horoscope signs, Aries are very fiery and bold and hence airy. They believe in having an authority over their lover, while Taurus is basically steady and passionate and supports their lover. Gemini is enthusiastic and expressive but loves flirting, daydreaming and fun. Cancer is emotional, caring. compassionate towards their lover Leo is self-assured, loves attention but a generous and loyal lover. Virgo is very practical but an honest and dedicated lover. Libra is balanced, playful as lovers but easily get bored. Scorpio is emotional but they like their lovers to be honest, Sagittarius is free spirited and, hopeful but has a thrilling love life. Capricorn is committed, always nice and never angry with their lovers. Aquarius is free spirited and don’t like to be forced. Pisces are understanding and honest lovers.

Love Compatibility: What are the planetary indications?

There are three factors that rule love compatibility, Sun Signs ascendent, and descendent signs.  Firstly, sun shows what kind of personalities we are, ascendent shows our degree of attraction and descendent, our expectations from our partners. Moon signs can be analysed to see if you are emotionally compatible with your partner.  Rahu and Ketu in 5th, 7th and 11th indicate love marriage.

When Venus and Mars exchange houses, it suggests a passionate and romantic nature. Association between Venus and the Moon shows that the individual’s personality is prone to love. If 5th and 7th lords are connected, it shows a deeply romantic heart, if moon is conjoined with Venus, he gives the individual a craving for love relationships. If 5th and 7th lords conjoin, it shows that romantic nature.. If moon is strong, it makes the individual overly emotional and excessively attached to his partner.

Love Marriage predictions: How can you predict love marriage?

A strong and well-disposed 7th House and Its Lord show a favourable indication for love marriages. When the lord of 9th and that of 7th combine or exchange their houses, it indicates raja yoga which also supports love marriage. If Venus and mars conjoin, or aspect each other, it leads to love marriage. When Jupiter is in a kendra from the moon or the ascendant, it forms Gaj Kesari yoga that denotes love marriage.  When the 7th lord is in svakshetra, uchcha or in mitrakshetra. and aspected/conjoined with a favourable planet, the individual born under this yoga, called Swayamvara Yoga will marry for love.  You should consult with Dr. Vinay Bajrangi astrologer for love marriage predictions.

Astro consultation for love marriage issues: What do they offer?

Astro consultations for love marriage issues are held both off line and online. You can reach the astrologers through different channels of communication.  While some astrologers offer counselling through chat, some offer face to face consultations. Some provide online reports and face to face, depending on the need of the person and his case.

In conclusion:

Love Compatibility is decided on multiple factors. Is your worldview the same, are your visions and goals similar, are you comfortable in each other’s company and is there a free flow of conversation between you? You don’t doubt their integrity at any point in time? Is your romance spontaneous?  Do you have similar nature or personalities, same kind of expressions, and desires.  If yes, you are compatible   Some sun signs have this natural compatibility with certain other signs. Mumbai Astro studies all these factors and helps you choose the most compatible partner with whom you can share a harmonious relationship. Dr. Vinay Bajrangi, Love horoscopes can predict what is on the cards for our mutual relationship.

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